Úvod >
House of Evolution
This house reveals the course of evolution, using wildlife from West Africa as an example. This brand new, state-of-the-art facility has become home to over 200 animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles and Sarcopterygii fish, as well as some invertebrates.
The rainforest atmosphere is highlighted by the rich vegetation, the gurgling waterfall and a pond with a capacity of 30,000 litres. Animals can be observed from different places. The upper floor affords a view of the primates from the canopy layer, where the animals largely reside during the daytime. The outdoor terrace looks out onto the nearby enclosure for African hoofed mammals.
The house features a wheelchair-friendly design throughout its entirety, including the toilet and baby changing facility. Visitors with impaired mobility or those with prams can make use of a lift. The upper floor has a seating area and the possibility to buy refreshments. In the immediate vicinity of the house is a new fast-food kiosk named ”U Lucy” and a playground.
The following species can be found here:
Saddled Bichir
Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri
Імператорський скорпіон
Pandinus imperator
Fundulopanchax amietiendangered
Архахатіна облямована
Archachatina marginata ovum
Атлантичний тарпон
Megalops atlanticusvulnerable
Африканська тигрова риба
Hydrocynus vittatus
Багновик африканський
Zapornia flavirostra
Mecynorhina torquata immaculicollis
Деревний даман західноафриканський
Dendrohyrax dorsalis
Дистиходус шестисмуговий
Distichodus sexfasciatus
Епіплатіс факельний
Epiplatys annulatus
Psittacus erithacusendangered
Качка екваторіальна
Pteronetta hartlaubi
Клоп хижий плямистий
Platymeris biguttata
Конголезька бронзівка
Pachnoda marginata peregrina
Мавпа Діани
Cercopithecus dianaendangered
Мраморный протоптер
Protopterus annectens
Poropanchax luxophthalmus
Пітон королівський
Python regiuslower risk/near threatened
Райдужний краб
Cardisoma armatum
Pantodon buchholzi
Auchenoglanis occidentalis
Сталевий афіосеміон
Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus
Турако фіолетовий
Musophaga violacea
Hemichromis frempongi
Цинікса зубчаста
Kinixys erosadata deficient
Цихліда смугаста
Hemichromis camerounensis
Черепаха складна чорна
Pelusios nigerlower risk/near threatened
Pan troglodytes veruscriticaly endangered
Ящірка райдужна
Holaspis guentheri